Monday, May 29, 2017

The In Between is Mine

I have posted this on Facebook few trims, but I want to apply it to something:

I do not ask or seek your approval to be true to myself;
I do ask for your acceptance of me, but I will not demand it;
I demand kindness and respect, but I will not beg for it;
I am a Human Being above all other labels;
Treat me like one, or leave me be.

That third line is important, and if you cannot do what is demands then please do what the last words direct. This life, this one in which my decisions produce for me either reward or consequence, this one in which my decisions bring me joy or sorrow, this one in which my decisions lead me to pain or ecstasy, this one in which my decisions impact me far more than anyone else, this one in which my decisions are independent of unsolicited advice, this one is mine, and to partially quote Mouth "I'm taking it back." My decisions directly effect me more than anyone else and my dog Tucker more than the rest. My decisions should rarely effect you directly and infrequently indirectly. I did not decide to be transgender, but I did decide to stop hiding that from others. I acknowledge that my transition does effect my friends and family (some more than others .

Less than a year ago I decided to stop letting anyone else make decisions for me. Anything I do now, I do for me. I consider the effect any decision will have on those close to me, and how they present the transgender community to the cisigender (Google it) people around me. Ultimately, however, all my decisions are based on whether they will for me reap either reward or consequence, bring me joy or sorrow, lead me to pain or ecstasy, and etc. I am mine, and so are my decisions. I very rarely take unsolicited advice, and if any of my decisions about anything are not ok with you, I will remind you that:

I do not ask or seek your approval to be true to myself;
I do ask for your acceptance of me, but I will not demand it;
I demand kindness and respect, but I will not beg for it;
I am a Human Being above all other labels;
Treat me like one, or leave me be.
~My name is Livi and I expect and deserve
feminine pronouns

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