Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Oiliva's Birthday ~ Along with the Letter

               If you have read my other blog posts, then you have read about my suicide attempt.  I cannot reiterate enough that there is no situation or problem that is worth dying over, and I am still happy to be alive. June 30th will always be a day I remember, but July 19th is a new birthday of sorts for me. That is the day I first told Lisa (the first person I ever told) that I am trans. Side note: wow I have jumped right into being myself in a few months. So, Olivia is about four months old, and tomorrow, November 10th, is my actual birthday. I hope you had a chance to read about my letter, and what is symbolizes for me.
               Today, I took that letter and went to see a new doctor, Lily Piña, who will be handling my HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy). We discussed the risks of HRT along with the rewards, and they drew blood, and took a UA, and . . . I started HRT Today!!!!!
So, I will start the next year of my life not only living as the woman/girl I’ve always known I am, but I will also be balancing my hormones with my brain. I am so excited. This is one of the best birthdays I can remember. So, there really isn’t that much else to report on this new step in my journey. Thank you all for the support and love.


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